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Our Story

The Green Democrats of Sacramento are dedicated to working for green policies and practices that promote  Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice within the party.


Green Democrats believe being Green is a culture, a lifestyle. The Green Culture weighs all of life’s decisions in community on the ideal to live a sustainable lifestyle that is in harmony with the earth, humankind, and other creatures.


The goals of the Green Culture 


  • · Healthy Individuals and Communities


  • · Ecological Balance


  • · Sustainable Economy


  • · Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

Health individuals and Communities

Celebrate, educate, and promote that which makes our lives and communities healthier - personally, socially, economically, and environmentally. Build community through Respect, Inclusion, and Empowerment. Build people-to-people ties to displace the dangerous myths about cultures, peoples, and nations.

Ecological Balance

We organize for an economic system that is democratic, sustainable, and just.

We do not accept a greed-based, war profiteering corporate economy that puts profit above people.

We support building an economy fueled solely on renewable energy and supported by green technology.

We promote, build, and support local farmers and businesses that are committed to sustainability, ecological balance, organic, and social justice.

We believe social justice in an economy includes Fair Trade that provides living wages, healthy work environments, and democracy in the work place.

The economy and the environment go hand-in-hand. Improve the environment and you will improve the economy. Redirect resources more sustainably and more jobs will be created for people in their own community.

The Green Economy means jobs and opportunity that are inclusive and strong enough to lift people out of poverty and raise living standards.

We support funding for the Green Jobs Act.

Love creation and Mother Earth. Make conscious decisions daily to live in harmony with your planet. Always be aware of your carbon footprint and look for ways to reduce it. Proactively protect the environment and all creatures. Stop dirty energy and efforts to repeal AB 32. Work for strong, swift, and comprehensive climate energy legislature.

Sustainable Economy

Endorsement of Candidates

Democractic Party Charter Membership

Members shall pay dues on an annual basis

•    Supports and promotes the election of Green Democratic Party candidates at the local, state and national levels through a variety of mechanisms including voter registration efforts, fund raising, candidate endorsement and campaign training; and

•    Supports and promotes Green Democratic Party principles and policies through community service, education and action and grassroots organizing.

The Club is affiliated with the Democratic Party of Sacramento County and was duly chartered by the Committee on August 12, 2008.

$10.00 Individual                       
$15.00 Household                      
$10.00 Senior (over age 60)     
$ 5.00  Student (Full time)           

The Green Democrats advocate Green issues and candidates at local, state and national levels through a variety of mechanisms: campaign consulting and training; community education and action; grassroots organizing; lobbying; and fundraising.

What does it mean to be Green?

Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

We seek justice for all and do the right things to:

Protect the human dignity of every single one of us; and to be active to end social inequality.

Build coalitions that protect the interests of workers, racial and sexual orientation groups, the environment, women and children.

Be active to end ongoing wars and prevent new ones.

Uphold democracy and our right to participate in decisions about our lives and environment.

Fight against the growing economic disparity. Improve labor and human rights.

Educate and mobilize others to understand we are citizens not consumers; to understand the value, not just the cost, of everything.

Dirty energy and policies that support dirty energy have disproportionately hurt working and poor people.

However, investment in a green economy will create pathways to health, justice, and prosperity for people, especially in low-income communities and communities of color.

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